Screw Resolutions Part 2

It’s the last week of February. It has been confirmed from various sources that 80% of people abandon their New Year’s Resolutions by the second week of this month.

A large research study predicts that the most common day for people to drop their resolutions is actually January 19th. This study has now named this date “Quitter’s Day”.

In part 1 of “Screw Resolutions” , I promised a part 2 to give more details and specifics about all of this. I will also be sharing some personal experience and resources that I use in my New Year’s goal setting and throughout the year.

Why are people saying “Screw Resolutions”?

  • There wasn’t much attachment to the resolution in the first place
  • The resolution wasn’t broken down into specific, measurable goals and action steps – lack of clarity
  • Conditions are not set up for success
  • All or nothing thinking – perfectionism – the absence of celebrating progress
  • Focusing on the “fails”
  • Lack of accountability and support
  • Lack of planning & patience
  • Unrealistic expectations
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Alright, so what to do instead?

  • Get very clear about your priorities and passions
    • How will you and others benefit from you pursuing them?
  • Give yourself permission to go after what you want
  • Make decisions – decide what you are saying “yes” to and what are you saying “no” to
  • Create goals and from there, develop small, specific action steps
  • Set up conditions for success in your environment, schedule, relationships and within yourself
  • Develop the mindset that “small hinges swing big doors” and “practice makes progress” – be sure to acknowledge and celebrate your progress
  • Focus on opportunities that bring greater awareness and learning opportunities. If you have a slip or fall, get up and begin again
  • Enlist accountability and support – this is different for everyone – it could be a therapist, coach, support group, a loved one, a physical resource, visual reminders and so much more.
  • Take time to plan and check-in with your goals regularly – be patient – good things grow slow.

My Personal Tips

I said “Screw Resolutions” a long time ago. I did all the things above to shoot myself in the foot. Frustration and discouragement plagued me. Resentment against New Year’s Resolutions gripped me for a long time.

The word “resolutions”, still carries a negative connotation for me. I prefer “goals”, “intentions” and “action steps”. The words I use are so important for me.

Taking small steady steps toward my target has become life-changing. I am learning more patience and perseverance. Some things that I couldn’t live without:

  • PowerSheets – this goal planner is amazing and so thorough, not to mention bright, colorful and fun
My goals for 2021
  • Therapy
  • Health & Life Coaching
  • Accountability and support from loved ones – planned & intentional
  • Having visuals everywhere
My word of the year stickered on my laptop
  • Support groups
  • Anchor objects
  • Automated reminders and lists
  • Saying things out loud
  • Prayer, meditation and visualization
  • Celebrating ALL progress

No more does January 1st come and I choose an unrealistic or insignificant resolution for me. Instead, I order my PowerSheets at the end of the year so I have plenty of time to prep for the year ahead. Then I can start the new year off calm, clear and intentional.

Want to join me on the journey?

Comment below, email me, contact me on Facebook or Instagram. You will get a personal response from me!

I love hearing from you!
