Category: Holes to Whole

About Me

Low Tolerance for GOOD?

Prior to a few years ago, I equated tolerance with how much a person could drink before they appeared drunk. Why on earth would anyone

Holes to Whole


The word “illogical” has been in the forefront of my mind for the past few months. Probably because over the past 1.5 years, I have

Holes to Whole

Scandalous Idea

About a month ago, I had an idea that at first felt *quite scandalous*. I was driving and it just popped up inside of me.

Holes to Whole


I recently moved and have been thinking about the concept of “home” a lot. Here are my current thoughts and reflections………. I have lived in

About Me

The Second Time I Learned to Breathe

I have had two deep learning experiences around breathing. My first was at my birth; instinctual and automatic, an innate learning that I didn’t have