Category: Holes to Whole

Holes to Whole


The word “illogical” has been in the forefront of my mind for the past few months. Probably because over the past 1.5 years, I have

Holes to Whole

Scandalous Idea

About a month ago, I had an idea that at first felt *quite scandalous*. I was driving and it just popped up inside of me.

Holes to Whole


I recently moved and have been thinking about the concept of “home” a lot. Here are my current thoughts and reflections………. I have lived in

About Me

The Second Time I Learned to Breathe

I have had two deep learning experiences around breathing. My first was at my birth; instinctual and automatic, an innate learning that I didn’t have



When was the last time that you wanted to do something that you’re not “supposed” to do? Do you ever feel like you just want