Category: Health


Mental Health Day

“Mental health is a universal human right.” October 10th was Mental Health Day. ALL individuals DESERVE to experience the best possible mental health, just as

About Me

The Second Time I Learned to Breathe

I have had two deep learning experiences around breathing. My first was at my birth; instinctual and automatic, an innate learning that I didn’t have


God & Tylenol

I heard a story several years ago about a boy with a toothache. He didn’t say anything because he had a big baseball game the


Goodbye Social Media

I have been getting some questions about why I am saying “goodbye” to social media. Curious, confused and some concerned questions. Some of from within


Seasonal Affective Disorder

It’s that time of year again where Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) tends to rear it’s head in many parts of the world. The weather is


Drop some Balls

This is a throwback to my high school days, 16 years old I think. Man I loved that hat, I bought it at FAO Schwartz